My Photos. Now you know me.

My name is Deyan Vitanov and I'm 37 years old web/desktop developer/architect. I have over 20 years of professional experience in the IT sphere. Some of my experience is accumulated as a freelance developer and some is as full time employee.
Recently I'm most likely architecture oriented and I always strive for quality and reliability.
So if you think we can do some great job, do not hesitate to contact me :)
My Writings. My Thoughts.
Disabling ‘Back’ button for flex mobile View
// April 14th, 2013 // No Comments » // HardwareDespite many articles over the network – it is very easy to disable the Back button for any mobile View. You don’t have to override anything..all you have to do is to define backKeyPressed event in your View declaration and call event.preventDefault() method. Here is an example: <s:View xmlns:fx=”″ xmlns:s=”library://” title=”My View” backKeyPressed=”onBackPRessed(event)” > And [...]
Flex 4.6 + Alternativa3D 8 spark problem
// July 25th, 2012 // 3 Comments » // SoftwareRecently I’ve been playing around with alternativa3D and I could not figure out why when I set up flex nativeproject using SDK 4.6 and Alternativaplatform 8 – notthing is displayed on the stage.. After A while I figured out what is going on. It turned out that the flex background is drew above the 3D [...]
Flex UncaughtErrorEvent in non-debug flashplayer
// April 27th, 2012 // No Comments » // HardwareFlashplayer 10.1 and AIR 2.0 come with very nice feature enabled – global error handling. Here is the official Adobe announce about this: Update 2010-01-12: Global error handling is now supported in Flash 10.1 and AIR 2.0 (both in beta), and is achieved by subscribing the UNCAUGHT_ERROR event of LoaderInfo.uncaughtErrorEvents. Anyway, this is very useful [...]